1.1. TOEIC Test Definition
TOEIC test (Test of Home for International Communication) is a test of English skills for people who are not language bahasaibunya England. TOEIC test to measure English proficiency for individuals who work in an international environment in their daily life. Values indicate how well a person can communicate in English with other individuals in business, commerce and industry. This test requires no special knowledge or ang term that is not commonly used by people in their daily activities.
1.2 TOEIC Test Format
TOEIC test is a multiple choice test that lasted for 2 (two) hours consisting of 20 questions divided into 2 (two) sessions.
• Session Listening: listening sessions to test how well you can understand the conversation in English. This session consists of 4 sections and contains 00 questions that played on a cassette or CD. You will be asked to answer questions based on a variety of questions, short dialogues and conversations singakt recorded in English. Total time: 45 minutes.
• Reading Session: this session there are 3 sections that test how well you can understand the readings in English. You will read various materials and personal time management problems in answering 100 questions based on the contents of the materials provided to you. Total time: 75 minutes.
You will answer questions of this test with craa blacken one letter (A), (B), (C), and (D) with a pencil on a separate answer sheet. Although the estimated time available for 2 (two) hours, additional time is needed to complete the biographical data of participants in the questionnaire answer sheet. Therefore, you should prepare approximately 2.5 hours to attend this test.
1.3. Anyone who followed the TOEIC test?
• Employee or staff who use English in various work environments sepert, businesses, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, international meetings, conference, and sports programs.
• Staff management, sales, and employees of the techniques in international business, commerce and industry who need English in their work.
• The candidate training will be conducted in English.
• Individuals who are mengikuri English training program.
1.4. Why take the TOEIC test?
TOEIC test is the choice for more than 5 (five) million participants test each year and is recognized by thousands of international legal bodies. As a measure of accurate and objective measure of English language proficiency. TOEIC test will be memungknkan you to:
• Proving your actual level of proficiency in English.
• Meets the requirements of the new positions separately and / or promotion within the company.
• Confirmation / proof of your professional level.
• Monitor your progress in English.
• Setting your learning objectives.
• nvolving Integration in advancing your English ability.
1.5. TOEIC test developed specifically based on the settings and situations in daily life.
Standard TOEIC TOEFL is below standard, because TOEIC does not require special knowledge or terms not commonly used by people in everyday activities. But the TOEIC is one type of test that is considered appropriate in assessing the English proficiency of a person in the world of work, because the TOEIC test questions prepared specifically based on the settings and situations in daily life such as:
• Enterprise development: research, product development
• Banquet: banquet business and informal lunches, receptions, banquet dining and restaurant reservations
• Entertainment: cinema, theater, music, art, exhibitions, museums, media
• Finance and Budget: Banking, mergers, investments, taxation, accounting, payment account
• General Business: contracts, negotiations, marketing, sales, warranties, business planning, conferences, labor relations
• Health: media insurance, visiting doctors, dentists, clinics, hospitals
• Company housing / property: construction, specifications, hire purchase. electricity and gas service
• Factory: assembly, plant management, quality
• Company: board meetings, committees, letters, memoranda, telephone, fax and e-mail, perlenkapan perabit office and home, office procedure.
• Personnel: recruitment and hiring, hiring new employees, resignations, salaries, promotions, job opportunities, advertising, income after retirement and awards
• Purchasing: shopping, ordering office supplies, freight, invoice
• Technical Areas: electronics, technology, computers, laboratories and equipment, technical specifications
• Travel: trains, airplanes, taxis, buses, ships, ferries, tickets, schedules, stations and scheduling, information, schedules and announcements in stations and airports, car rental, hotel, reservations, delays and cancellations.
TOEFL stands for Test Of Home as a Foreign Language. TOEFL is a standardized English language ability of a person in writing (de jure), which covers four aspects of mastery: Listening, Writing and Reading.
It is necessary to ensure that students from countries of non-English-speaking can follow lectures in English speaking countries well. Among other things:
• Ensuring that the student will understand the description given lecturer in English (listening skills).
• Students understand the books required textbook (reading skills).
• Students are able to make scientific writing with correct grammar (writing & grammar skills).
Along with the times, even countries whose native language is not English, such as Japan, Korea, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. require certain TOEFL score for prospective students, whether it came from within the country, especially if coming from overseas. In Indonesia, even the TOEFL is also used to:
• Requirements for admission of new employees in government agencies, public and private companies.
• a new admissions requirements for the level of S2 and S3.
• Term of submission of scholarship, either from government or private.
TOEFL myself have several times experienced improvements by the organizers, ETS. The forms of the TOEFL test has ever introduced to the public, namely:
• TOEFL Paper Based Test
Consists of 3 sections: Listening, Structure, and Reading
Maximum Score: 677
• TOEFL Computer Based Test
Consisting of 4 Section: Listening, Structure, Reading, Writing
Maximum Score: 300
• TOEFL Internet Based Test
Consisting of 4 sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking.
Maximum score: 120.
Although officially, since the TOEFL Internet Based Test was introduced in the whole world, then this type may not apply anymore, but in fact to date, TOEFL Paper Based Test still widely used in various institutions of higher education and for recruitment of employees in Indonesia, or in state-non-English speaking countries.
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